A Cleaner Approach

Odor Treatment & Removal

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Deodorizing & Odor Digesting

Deodorizing Let A Cleaner Approach eradicate nasty smells and unwanted odors with our unique deodorizer that contains enzyme/bacterial cultures that will digest malodors caused by dampness, mold, food, urine, vomit, fecal and organic matter by breaking it down just the way nature does.

Pad Extraction Process

For deeply saturated urine or other liquid spots causing odor we at A Cleaner Approach use a technique we call the Pad Extraction Process. This process is basically flooding the saturated area with a neutralizing, odor digesting, and spot removing mixture and then extracting it back out from the carpet padding up.

Pad Extraction Process

Ozone Odor Removal

A Cleaner Approach uses ozone generators that will will oxidize unwanted odors in your home or business. Ozone molecules will attack odor causing substances at their source to permanently remove odors in the treatment area.
Ozone Odor Removal Treatments

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